Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Last Post

Wow! We are at the end of our first year at school! We've now been at school for between two and three terms.
Looking back over these terms we see the fantastic progress we have all made. We are all good readers, can write stories, and 'do' maths. We have also developed our computer skills; completed some fantastic art work; learnt how to skip; visited the museum and the Suter Art Gallery; performed in a syndicate production; and of course made lots of new friends. We know the routines and expectations; are confident playing in the large grounds; and enjoy the responsibility of being class leader.
We have enjoyed many class trips - a big thanks to everyone who has helped on one or more of these trips - your support is essential to their success.
A big thank you, too, to those who have been able to help in the classroom. It's great to have support with reading and maths.
We are looking forward to 2010 when we will be year 1's.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from all of us in Room 10. May you all have a happy and safe holiday.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Kowhai Big Day Out

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Wow! What a day we had. The weather was beautiful and the company fantastic. Kowhai Syndicate headed to Tahunanui Beach for a day out. We rode the trains, then went onto the beach to draw in the sand and make sand sculptures. After lunch we played on the Lion's Playground before heading back to school.
We then had our first swim in the school pool. It was a bit cold, but we enjoyed being in the pool.
By the end of the day we were all very tired! A big thank you to Dianne for organising the day and to our parents: Tania, Angela, Tracey, Karrin, Skye, and Josh - without you we could not have gone on this trip. Thanks also to Donna for your help.

This morning the following people received certificates for 100% attendance during Term 4: Willem, Sam, Aidan, Ben, Jemma, and Theo. Aidan also received a certificate for 100% attendance at school this year. Well done.

Only two more sleeps until school is over for 2009. Remember we finish after the final assembly which starts at 11:15am on the front field.

Friday, December 11, 2009

End of Week 9

Our 'Stars of the Week' are: Ty, Jonothan, Katie, Ben, and Sam. They are all fantastic home readers. Ben has read for 125 nights and the others have read for 100 nights. Congratulations, we are proud of you and your efforts.

This week has been very busy with our production. We all enjoyed performing in front of such big audiences. Thank you to those who came to watch.

Today we went to meet our 2010 teachers and classmates. It is a bit scary changing classrooms but we are excited about being Year 1's. We are looking forward to using the interactive white boards which will be in our rooms. We think our new teachers are nice too.

Next week will be very short as well as busy again. On Monday Kowhai Syndicate is going to Tahunanui Beach. It will be a fun day. Please remember your togs so you can have a swim in the school pool in the afternoon.
We finish school for 2009 on Wednesday after the final assembly. This assembly starts at 11:15am.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Kowhai Syndicate Production

Wow! The first performance of the Kowhai Syndicate production, Over the Rainbow, was great. Room 10 performed the opening song, I Can Sing a Rainbow. They were awesome and I am so proud of them!
You can puchase a DVD of the show for only $7. Please return the order form and money to me by Friday 11 December.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Week 9

Congratulations to 'Star of the Week' for week 8 - Matthew.

Week 9 is going to be busy. This is the week of our Junior Production: Over the Rainbow. The dress rehearsal is on Monday and the performances are on Tuesday and Wednesday. Both performances start at 1:30pm and are at the Scool of Music. Entry is by gold coin donation. We look forward to seeing you all at one of the performances.

This is our last full week at school - it's hard to believe that our first year at school is nearly over. Everyone has worked really hard and has learnt so much. We are all fantastic readers. Thanks whanau for your support with our reading.

On Thursday Sterling will be teaching more science in Room 10 while Teresa attends a First Aid course.

On Friday we will have a shared lunch with our buddy classes. Please bring some food to share.

On Monday 14 December Kowhai Syndicate is heading to Tahunanui Beach for our end of year big day out. Families are very welcome to join us. Please return the permission form and money to Teresa as soon as possible.

The final school assembly is on Wednesday 16 December beginning at 11:15am.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Week 7

Another week has flown by.

Our 'Stars of the Week' are: Willem, Samuel, and Theo. They are all fantastic readers and we are proud of them. Willem and Samuel have read for 125 nights and Theo has read for 100 nights. Well done and congratulations.

On Wednesday Sterling taught us about mouse rockets. We each made a paper mouse then we put a bit of play dough in the nose. We put the mouse on the top of a milk bottle then we hit both sides of the milk bottle and the mouse shot up in the air.
We also learnt about electricity. We made electric puzzles by making a circuit. The puzzles were of a helicopter, a racing car, a truck, a light, and a speaker. We had lots of fun and nine people got small electirc shocks.

We are learning the songs for our production. We are getting excited about perfoming in front of our families.

There are only two and a half weeks left of our first year at school. We have all worked very hard and our teacher is very proud of how hard we have worked and of how much we have learnt.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Week 6

We've had a busy and interesting week.
This week's 'Stars of the Week' are: Jonothan - for getting 100% in the Basic Facts test; and Samuel - for great reading. Congratulations Jonothan and Samuel, we are proud of you.

On Monday we all did a Basic Facts Test. Some of us found it hard but some of us found out that we know a lot of Basic Facts now.

On Wednesday we went to the museum for the 'Sounds Amazing' exhibition. We enjoyed making lots of different sounds. Thanks to the parents who came with us. Check out the slide show for a quick preview of what we did.

On Thursday Sterling taught us again. We learnt about the rainbow and made lots of bubbles. Sterling even made a square bubble. He had a special cube to make this bubble. In the afternoon we made ice-cream. Teresa said that she'd get the recipe for us.

On Friday we saw one scene from our production - Over the Rainbow. In the afternoon we listened to the Nelson College for Girls music class sing. They are very good.

Now we are ready for a relaxing weekend.

Parents: please read the production notice. We are having two performances: Tuesday 8 December and Wednesday 9 December. Both performances are at 2pm in the School of Music. If you have any questions, please come in and ask.