Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Last Post

Wow! We are at the end of our first year at school! We've now been at school for between two and three terms.
Looking back over these terms we see the fantastic progress we have all made. We are all good readers, can write stories, and 'do' maths. We have also developed our computer skills; completed some fantastic art work; learnt how to skip; visited the museum and the Suter Art Gallery; performed in a syndicate production; and of course made lots of new friends. We know the routines and expectations; are confident playing in the large grounds; and enjoy the responsibility of being class leader.
We have enjoyed many class trips - a big thanks to everyone who has helped on one or more of these trips - your support is essential to their success.
A big thank you, too, to those who have been able to help in the classroom. It's great to have support with reading and maths.
We are looking forward to 2010 when we will be year 1's.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from all of us in Room 10. May you all have a happy and safe holiday.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Kowhai Big Day Out

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Wow! What a day we had. The weather was beautiful and the company fantastic. Kowhai Syndicate headed to Tahunanui Beach for a day out. We rode the trains, then went onto the beach to draw in the sand and make sand sculptures. After lunch we played on the Lion's Playground before heading back to school.
We then had our first swim in the school pool. It was a bit cold, but we enjoyed being in the pool.
By the end of the day we were all very tired! A big thank you to Dianne for organising the day and to our parents: Tania, Angela, Tracey, Karrin, Skye, and Josh - without you we could not have gone on this trip. Thanks also to Donna for your help.

This morning the following people received certificates for 100% attendance during Term 4: Willem, Sam, Aidan, Ben, Jemma, and Theo. Aidan also received a certificate for 100% attendance at school this year. Well done.

Only two more sleeps until school is over for 2009. Remember we finish after the final assembly which starts at 11:15am on the front field.

Friday, December 11, 2009

End of Week 9

Our 'Stars of the Week' are: Ty, Jonothan, Katie, Ben, and Sam. They are all fantastic home readers. Ben has read for 125 nights and the others have read for 100 nights. Congratulations, we are proud of you and your efforts.

This week has been very busy with our production. We all enjoyed performing in front of such big audiences. Thank you to those who came to watch.

Today we went to meet our 2010 teachers and classmates. It is a bit scary changing classrooms but we are excited about being Year 1's. We are looking forward to using the interactive white boards which will be in our rooms. We think our new teachers are nice too.

Next week will be very short as well as busy again. On Monday Kowhai Syndicate is going to Tahunanui Beach. It will be a fun day. Please remember your togs so you can have a swim in the school pool in the afternoon.
We finish school for 2009 on Wednesday after the final assembly. This assembly starts at 11:15am.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Kowhai Syndicate Production

Wow! The first performance of the Kowhai Syndicate production, Over the Rainbow, was great. Room 10 performed the opening song, I Can Sing a Rainbow. They were awesome and I am so proud of them!
You can puchase a DVD of the show for only $7. Please return the order form and money to me by Friday 11 December.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Week 9

Congratulations to 'Star of the Week' for week 8 - Matthew.

Week 9 is going to be busy. This is the week of our Junior Production: Over the Rainbow. The dress rehearsal is on Monday and the performances are on Tuesday and Wednesday. Both performances start at 1:30pm and are at the Scool of Music. Entry is by gold coin donation. We look forward to seeing you all at one of the performances.

This is our last full week at school - it's hard to believe that our first year at school is nearly over. Everyone has worked really hard and has learnt so much. We are all fantastic readers. Thanks whanau for your support with our reading.

On Thursday Sterling will be teaching more science in Room 10 while Teresa attends a First Aid course.

On Friday we will have a shared lunch with our buddy classes. Please bring some food to share.

On Monday 14 December Kowhai Syndicate is heading to Tahunanui Beach for our end of year big day out. Families are very welcome to join us. Please return the permission form and money to Teresa as soon as possible.

The final school assembly is on Wednesday 16 December beginning at 11:15am.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Week 7

Another week has flown by.

Our 'Stars of the Week' are: Willem, Samuel, and Theo. They are all fantastic readers and we are proud of them. Willem and Samuel have read for 125 nights and Theo has read for 100 nights. Well done and congratulations.

On Wednesday Sterling taught us about mouse rockets. We each made a paper mouse then we put a bit of play dough in the nose. We put the mouse on the top of a milk bottle then we hit both sides of the milk bottle and the mouse shot up in the air.
We also learnt about electricity. We made electric puzzles by making a circuit. The puzzles were of a helicopter, a racing car, a truck, a light, and a speaker. We had lots of fun and nine people got small electirc shocks.

We are learning the songs for our production. We are getting excited about perfoming in front of our families.

There are only two and a half weeks left of our first year at school. We have all worked very hard and our teacher is very proud of how hard we have worked and of how much we have learnt.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Week 6

We've had a busy and interesting week.
This week's 'Stars of the Week' are: Jonothan - for getting 100% in the Basic Facts test; and Samuel - for great reading. Congratulations Jonothan and Samuel, we are proud of you.

On Monday we all did a Basic Facts Test. Some of us found it hard but some of us found out that we know a lot of Basic Facts now.

On Wednesday we went to the museum for the 'Sounds Amazing' exhibition. We enjoyed making lots of different sounds. Thanks to the parents who came with us. Check out the slide show for a quick preview of what we did.

On Thursday Sterling taught us again. We learnt about the rainbow and made lots of bubbles. Sterling even made a square bubble. He had a special cube to make this bubble. In the afternoon we made ice-cream. Teresa said that she'd get the recipe for us.

On Friday we saw one scene from our production - Over the Rainbow. In the afternoon we listened to the Nelson College for Girls music class sing. They are very good.

Now we are ready for a relaxing weekend.

Parents: please read the production notice. We are having two performances: Tuesday 8 December and Wednesday 9 December. Both performances are at 2pm in the School of Music. If you have any questions, please come in and ask.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Returning Butterflies

Yesterday we walked to the museum to see the Returning Butterflies exhibition.
We learnt lots of interesting things. Read about the things we liked about the visit:

I liked learning about the butterflies and looking at their wings. Grace

I liked finding the butterflies. Ty

I liked trying to find and match the butterflies. Willem

It was fun because we were looking for butterflies. Katie

We learned about camouflage. Camouflage keeps the butterflies from predators. Ben

I liked looking for butterflies in the pictures. Theo

I liked watching the movie of the caterpillars eating. Jemma

I liked my Dad helping me find the butterflies. Jasper

I liked the finding the butterflies in the pictures. Aidan

The caterpillars of the red admiral butterfly likes stinging nettle. Sam

I liked liked learning about camouflage. Jonothan

I liked learning about the camouflage and why the butterflies need to be camouflaged. Samuel

I liked looking at the butterflies in the drawers. Matthew

I liked finding the butterflies outside. Charlotte

I liked learning about the camoflage. The butterflies use camoflage so the predators can't eat them. Jack

I liked looking for the butterflies hiding in the bushes in the pictures and matching them up. Quinn

We also liked making a butterfly badge each.

A BIG THANK YOU to our parents for coming with us and helping us.
Cindy gave us some swan plant seeds. We will plant them next week.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Stars of the Week

As always we celebrate our 'Stars of the Week' at Kowhai Syndicate assembly. This week our stars are:
Ty - for working hard at reading; Jasper - for being a great leader; and Katie - for learning the alphabet and lots of words.
Congratulations Ty, Jasper, and Katie, we are proud of you.

Did you read in the newsletter that Room 10 has the 'Blog of the Week'? We received a certificate for this, which is exciting for us.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Science Experiments

On Thursday Sterling taught in Room 10. We had a fantastic day learning about ice.
We put dry ice into a test tube of water and dye. It bubbled then gas puffed up and went over the top. Charlotte thought the gas looked like marshmallow. Willem and Aidan thought the gas looked like steam. Theo thought it looked like a volcano erupting. The dry ice turned into a gas when it touched the water because it was melting.

We are looking to forward to having Sterling come back and teach us.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Stream Trip

On Monday afternoon we went to the Brook Stream. We had a great time looking for bugs and other water life. There was a waterfall and the water was cold. No-one fell in, although there were a few wet feet.
We all enjoyed looking for the bugs and were excited by the number of different bugs we found. To catch the bugs we put a net by a rock then lifted the rock. If there were any bugs stuck to the rock we carefully brushed them into the container of water with a paint brush.
We found that the Brook Stream is quite healthy.
A big THANK YOU to all the wonderful parents who came with us and helped us find bugs. We hope you enjoyed the trip too.
Here is an acrostic poem we wrote about the stream trip:

Stream Trip

Terrific adults
Running water
Extra fast
Afternoon time
Marvellous fun

Friday, October 30, 2009

Week 3

Our 'Stars of the Week' are Grace: for being a great role model; and Ben: for reading for 100 nights. Congratulations Grace and Ben, we are proud of you.

We are learning to write peoms. This week we have written poems about balloons. Here is one we wrote as a class:

My Balloon
Blue balloon
Oval balloon
Flat balloon
Popped balloon
My balloon is like a pear.

Come and read our balloon poems which are hanging in our room.

We have begun to learn the songs for our production, Over the Rainbow, in December. We are really enjoying learning 'Ding, Dong, the Witch is Dead'.

Our calendar art work is available for you to look at. Please bring orders (and money) to school by the end of next week (Friday 6 November).

We are all looking forward to our trip to the Brook Stream on Monday afternoon. Please remember to bring gumboots and a change of clothes.

Friday, October 23, 2009

End of Week 2

Another busy week is over. Thank you to those who have commented on our blog - we like to read your comments.

Today we lead the Kowhai Syndicate Assembly. Some of us read our recounts about the Masked Parade. Teresa told us she was very proud of us all for how well we did.

Jack is our 'Star of the Week' for his great progress in reading. Congratulations Jack, we are proud of you.

On Thursday Mel came to talk to us about looking after our streams. She showed us a cool movie. Two people turned into fish and they had to swim to the start of the stream so they could be turned back into people. We saw all the dirty water they had to swim through. At the end of the stream the water was clean and clear.
On Monday 2 November we are going to have a look in the Brook Stream to see how healthy the water is there.

On Tuesday we had Iron Brion visit us. He talked about healthy eating. He did lots of funny things and we laughed at them. Sam and Grace got to dance on stage with Iron Brion and some other children. At the end we could have a hamburger. It was yummy.

A reminder that Tuesday 27 October is a Teacher Only Day and so there will be no-one here. Have a nice, relaxing, and safe long weekend.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Masked Parade

On Friday we walked in the Nelson Masked Parade. Our masks were North American Indian. We had to hold our masks over our faces. It was tiring holding our masks. We had to wait fo a long time before we could start walking. When we finally started walking it was fun. The parade was long and we were very tired when we got to the end.
This is how we felt during the parade:
Scared - Grace; Excited - Samuel; Happy - Jasper; Happy - Ben; Sad - Matthew; Happy - Katie; Scared and worried - Jonothan; Tired - Theo; Cool - Jack; Happy - Sam; Tired and worried - Jemma; Good - Aidan; Happy - Willem; Scared - Ty.
We felt scared because there were so many people and it was noisy.
Teresa felt very proud of Room 10 children - they were awesome.

Friday, October 16, 2009

End of Week 1

Our 'Stars of the Week' are: Jemma - for being a great role model and Matthew - for great writing. Willem and Samuel also recieved certificates at Kowhai Assembly for reading for 100 nights. Wow!
Congratulations Jemma, Matthew, Samuel, and Willem - we are proud of you.

Tonight we will take part in the Nelson Masked Parade. Our masks look fantastic. See the photo below for a sneak preview before the parade.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Term 4

Welcome to Term 4. It's great to see everyone back at school.

Today the Kelly Sports people came to school so we could try different ball skills. This is what we had to say about the experience:
I had to concentrate.
I liked kicking the ball.
I liked hitting the ball with a cricket bat.
I liked using a hoop to be an angel.
I liked running with the rugby ball.
I liked moving onto the next activity.
I liked the soccer.
We all had fun.
Thanks Bryce and Caitlin.

On Friday we are taking part in the Nelson Masked Parade.
We are having a practice at school on Friday morning at 9:30am. Everyone is welcome to come along and watch.
The school newsletter has details of where to meet on Friday evening. Everyone needs to wear dark clothing so our masks stand out. The masks look fantastic, thanks to all who have helped make them.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Last Day - Term 3

Wow! Term 3 is over. What a busy term we have had. We have learnt lots of new things and have made many new friends. Everyone has worked really hard and now we are ready for a restful holiday. A big thank you to the whanau for all your help and support this term. Enjoy your holiday.

Congratulations to our 'Stars of the Week':
Grace - for 100% attendance during Term 3
Aidan - for great reading and for 100% attendance during Term 3
Katie - for working hard to learn the alphabet
You have worked hard and we are proud of you.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Tuesday 22 September

A big thank you to everyone for coming to watch our folk dancing and singing performance this afternoon. The children did really well and I am so proud of them all. It was great to have you all join in the 'Side, Together, Clap' dance as well.

Thanks, too, to those who were able to stay and help with the masks. I was amazed at how quickly everything was completed. The masks are looking really good. Next painting session will be Thursday 23 Septembet at 1:45pm.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Week 9

What a busy week we have had.
Our 'Stars of the Week' are: Samuel for great writing, and Willem for great reading. Congratulations Samuel and Willem, we are proud of you.

Mask Parade:
On Tuesday a wonderful group of parents cut out our masks - thank you so much.
On Wednesday we began colouring them. Thursday was a busy day of painting. Check out the photos.
Next week we will paint the red petals and glue the pieces onto the masks. They will look great.
Today we had our first practice parading around the quad and singing the One Love, One Heart song. It was great.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

When I Was Blindfolded ...

Earlier in the term we were learning about disabilities. We took turns at being blindfolded and at leading a blindfolded person. Click Play (centre arrow) OR Click on the children's headshots to read how they felt when they were blindfolded, hold on a second.....then you will hear them speak too!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Week 9

Today at our Whole School Assembly Jemma received a certificate for showing great co-operation skills. Congratulations Jemma, it's great to have you in our class showing us how to co-operate.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Ronald McDonald Visit

On Wednesday Ronald McDonald visited Nelson Central School. He lost one of his stripy red and white socks. He went to look for it and showed us how to be safe when walking along the footpath and crossing roads. Ronald's sock was stuck on his back and Marcus helped Ronald find it.
Here are some of the recounts we wrote about Ronald's visit:

Yesterday Ronald McDonald came to school to teach us about road safety. He had a big book. It was fun for us to see Ronald McDonald. By Marcus

Yesterday Ronald McDonald came to school to teach us road safety. He had a big book. By Samuel

Ronald McDonald is at the assembly. By Katie

Ronald McDonald came to school to teach us road safety. By Jack

Week 8 Stars

Today at Kowhai Syndicate Assembly Theo and Ben were awarded 'Stars of the Week' certificates. They have both been working very hard at reading and are making good progress. Congratulations Theo and Ben, we are proud of you.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Our Recounts of Our Trip to the Suter Art Gallery

We wrote about our trip to the Suter. Here are our recounts. Please leave a comment - we love reading what others think about our work.

We went to the Suter. We saw some birds. By Jack

I went to the Suter. I liked everything. By Jemma

I went to the Suter. By Grace

Yesterday morning I went to the Suter. By Samuel

I went to the Suter. We did a big puzzle. We finished the puzzle. We did a picture. It was fun. By Marcus

I went to the Suter. By Katie

I am looking at the pictures. It was fun. I liked the pictures. It was at the Suter. By Charlotte

We went to the Suter. I did a picture. By Jonothan

We saw birds. By Willem

I went to the Suter. By Aidan

We went to the Suter. We made a puzzle. By Theo

I am at the Suter. By Sam

I am going to the Suter. By Ty

I am at the museum. By Ben

I went to the Suter. By Kyran

I see Māori birds. By Jasper

I saw pictures. By Matthew

Friday, September 4, 2009

Stars of the Week

Our Week 7 'Stars of the Week' are: Jasper for independently putting his books and bookbag away; and Charlotte for writing a great recount of our trip to the Suter.

This is Charlotte's story:
I am looking at the pictures. It was fun. I liked the pictures. It was at the Suter.

The pictures we started at the Suter and finished yesterday are now on display in Room 10. Please come in and look at them. We are very proud of what we learnt and of the pictures we created.

Everyone in Room 10 is doing lots of reading and several people have recently gained stickers for reading for 75 nights. Others have reached 25 nights and 50 nights. That's fantastic. A BIG THANK YOU to our families for supporting us with our reading.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Suter Art Gallery

Yesterday Room 10 and Renwick 1 went to the Suter Art Gallery to see the John Bevan Ford exhibition. John Bevan Ford was a Maori artist. We had to find different patterns in his paintings. Some patterns we found were tanoko, manaia, and koru. After we had looked at the paintings we drew patterns on a bird. Tomorrow we will draw a landscape then glue our birds onto it.
We also made a big jigsaw together. This jigsaw was of one of the paintings.

When it was time to walk back to school it was raining. We had to walk fast, but we still got wet!
We had a great time at the Suter and we'd like to thank our parent helpers: Julia, Lorellin, Georgie, Tania, and Fred. Your support made this trip possible.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Week 6

Another week has raced by.
As it was Daffodil Day today we had a Whacky Hair Day. Check out our photo for the weird and wonderful hair styles Room 10 came up with. Theo and his sister had a stall with daffodils, stickers, and tattoos available for a donation. We also had a coin trail and put money on a printed daffodil. Room 10 covered their daffodil, thank you to everyone for your support with this.
Theo also met three of the Makos and had his photo taken with them.

We have two new 'Stars of the Week'- Kyran and Quinn. They are both doing well at sitting on the mat and waiting their turn. Great work Kyran and Quinn.

Next week we are going to walk to the Suter Art Gallery to view the John Bevan Ford exhibition. I have had a sneak preview and there are some interesting paintings and sculptures to look at.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Week 5

Week 5 has raced by. We continue to learn new words and sounds. Everyone has been working really hard at reading time and great progress is being made. The home support with reading is great and it does make a difference. Thank you for this. It's great to see the children adding up the number of nights they have read and they enjoy reaching the milestones in their reading log books.
Our Stars of the Week are Jonothan, for learning lots of new words and using them in reading and writing; and Jemma for her great reading.

Next Friday is Daffodil Day. Theo and his sister, Zoe, will be selling daffodil tattoos. We are having a school wide Whacky Hair Day on Friday as well. A gold coin for the money trail would be appreciated.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Book Character Dress Up Day

On Friday we dressed up as a character from a book. This was to celebrate Library Week. At Kowhai Syndicate Assembly we had a parade to show off our costumes. We were all excited and enjoyed looking at all the amazing costumes.
A big thank you to parents for your support with this event.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Week 4 Stars

Matthew and Grace are our Week 4 Stars.
Matthew received a Maths award and Grace is a great friend to Room 10 people.
Congratulations Matthew and Grace, we are proud of you.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Week 4

This week we are learning the sounds for c, k, e, ng, and v. Our words of the week are here and come.
At Physical Education we are learning Folk Dancing. We will be having a demonstration for parents later in the term. More details later.
This week is Library Week. On Friday we will be dressing up as a character from a book. We will have a parade at Kowhai Syndicate assembly on Friday.
Remember our library day is Friday.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Our First Day Photos

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Friday 7 August

We are at the end of Week 3. This week has flown by. We have all worked really hard to learn our sounds of the week - p, n, z, and w; and our words see and put. In maths we are learning addition. This means we are putting two groups together.
We started folk dancing with the children in Renwick 1. We also enjoyed singing and dancing to Alison's piano playing.
While you are having a restful weekend think about which book character you will be dressing up as next Friday. We will be having a parade at Kowhai Syndicate assembly.

Our Stars of the Week are Marcus and Ty. Marcus received a certificate at Kowhai Syndicate assembly but Ty was sick today. Congratulations, we are proud of you Marcus and Ty.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Stars of the Week

At Kowhai Syndicate Assembly Sam and Jack received certificates.
Sam has been trying very hard to learn to skip.
Jack has been working hard at reading and he knows 20 high frequency words.
Well done Sam and Jack, we are all proud of you.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Term 3 Week 2

This week is Te Wiki o te Reo Māori (Maori language week). We are learing some new waiata. Our favourite is Pu Kupu Maori by Hirini Melbourne.
We are also learning about what it is like to live with a disability. Today Mrs Cassin came to talk to us about what it is like to be blind. She brought her guide dog, Peddie.
We learnt that the Foundation of the Blind chose Peddie for Mrs Cassin. We also learnt that when a guide dog is wearing it's harness it is working. We shouldn't pat a guide dog when it is working because it might get distracted and make the person bump into something.
We thanked Mrs Cassin for coming and we enjoyed learning from her.
Our sounds this week are t, i, ee, and or. Our words are this and are.
In PE we are learning to skip. We all work hard at this and are getting better.

Friday, July 24, 2009

First week of Term 3

We have finished our first week of Term 3. It has been a busy week with 6 new children joining our room. We also welcome Donna who helps in our room. We are all quite tired and are looking forward to a relaxing weekend.
At Kowhai Syndicate assembly the following people received certificates for being Room 10 Stars: Jack, Matthew, Jemma, Grace, Jasper, and Kyran.
You can see Jack, Matthew, Jemma, and Grace in our photo.

Monday, July 20, 2009

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Term 3 Week 1

Welcome back to school. It was great to see everyone again this morning. All the children looked refreshed after their holiday and some have even had smart haircuts.
We welcomed Kyran, Jasper, Jack, and Grace this morning. There are now 16 children in Room 10. By the end of the week we will have 18 children in our room as Jemma and Matthew start on Thursday.
We have remebered things we learnt last term which is great.
This week we are learning the sounds 's', 'a', 'oa', and 'ie'. Our words for this week are 'my' and 'we'. In maths we will focus on learning numbers and counting.
In the holidays the sandpit was filled with sand. A special thanks to Sam and his Dad, Nick, who joined the working bee to move the sand into the pit. It is great to be able to build all sorts of roads and tunnels in the sand. If you would like to see photos of the working bee have a look on Tracy's blog - Room 11.
Keep smiling and enjoy yoru reading books each night.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Happy Holidays

Hello Room 10 children and followers.
I trust you are enjoying your holidays and keeping warm. I have enjoyed sleeping in and reading lots of books.
If you are looking for something to do try clicking on the Dance Mat Typing link to the right and having a go at typing.
I am looking forward to seeing you all next Monday and to hearing about your holidays.
Keep smiling

Friday, July 3, 2009

Last day of Term 2

Today is Friday and we are excited because it is the holidays. Yay!

We have worked really hard this term.

We liked playing with the Mobilo, the marble run and the cars. We have learnt to draw and count. We can count in 2s.

We have worked hard at our reading and we are going to practice reading in the holidays.

At Kowhai Syndicate assembly these people received certificates:

Charlotte because she is a good reader; and Willem because he is a good buddy.

Willem, Katie, Aidan, and Charlotte got certificates for 100% attendance at school this term. We are proud of you all.

Room 10 wishes everybody a safe and happy holiday. See you back at school on Monday 20 July.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Week 10

This is the last week of Term 2. We are looking forward to the holidays. We have all got lots of fun things planned. Teresa is going to sleep in. We are all good readers at school and we are going to keep reading in the holidays.

This week we are learning the word 'said' and the sounds for 'h'; 'ai'; 'r'; and 'j'. At maths we are learning to skip count in 2's. We are also learning to skip with a skipping rope. It is hard work but fun. We are getting better at this.

By Room 10 students

Friday, June 26, 2009

Room 10 Stars of the Week

At Kowhai Syndicate assembly Jonothan and Aidan received certifiactes because they are really good readers. Congratulations Jonothan and Aidan, we are proud of you.

We are getting excited because there is only one more week of school before the holidays. We are ready for a holiday because we have been working very hard and learning lots of new things.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Today we celebrated Matariki, the Maori New Year.

We made putiputi with Teresa and Susan. Then we went to Room 11 and we painted star pictures with silver goo with Tracy. After that we went to Room 12 and made stars with Caroline.

We had to work hard to do all these things. We had lots of fun.

At lunch time all the children from Kowhai Syndicate ate their lunch together in front of the hall.

We are learning to use Tux Paint and Kidpix to illustrate our stories!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Students of the Week

Ben and Sam received certificates at Kowhai assembly today.
Ben's certificate is because he is a good reader. Sam's certificate is for settling into the Room 10 routines and being a good class leader.
Congratulations Ben and Sam, we are proud of you.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Week 8

We are now into Week 8 - the holidays are coming up fast.

This week we are learning the sounds for 'p', 'n', 'u', and 'l'; and the words 'for' and 'and'. We are getting good at recognising our sounds and using them in our writing. We are also good at recognising words in our reading books and poems.

Today four children and two teachers from Campus Corner came to visit us. Willem went to Campus Corner, and he still goes there after school, so it was nice for him to show his friends his classroom. We read a story about a cat and a dog being friends then we made a dog. Our dogs were very noisy! We enjoyed the Campus Corner people visiting us.

Room 10 Stars

Monday, June 15, 2009

Room 10 Stars

These are first day photos. There are 14 children in Room 10 at the moment. We are all stars!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Week 7

This week Quinn started school. We now have 10 boys and 4 girls. Nina is still in Japan so there are 3 girls at school each day.

We have learnt the days of the week.

We are learning how to be a good friend to the other children in Room 10.

At Kowhai Assembly Katie got a certifcate for being a good role model and for taking responsibility for her own learning. Congratulations Katie.

It has been raining all week and we have had to stay inside. This has made it a long week. Today we went outside at lunch time to look at the river which is over the ford. The road is closed. We got worried that the water might come up to the school.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Week 7

We are now in Week 7 of Term 2. There are 13 children in Room 10, but Nina is in Japan until next term. On Tuesday Quinn starts school. We are not expecting any more children to start until next term.
This week we are learning the sounds for 't', 'i', 'g', and 'o'. Our words for the week are 'look' and 'the'. In Maths we are learning to say and read the days of the week in the right order.
Today we had a whole school assembly. Samuel got a Principal's Award because he is doing really well with his reading. We are proud of Samuel's efforts.
We enjoy reading people's comments on our blog. Thank you for posting them.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Yesterday we ran in the cross country race. We had fun. We did our best. We had to run two laps and we didn't stop. This is how we felt at the end of the race:
tired and puffed, Theo
tired and puffed, Katie
good, Willem
puffed, Jonothan
puffed, Samuel
puffed, Ty
good and proud of my efforts, Charlotte

Our mums and dads and grandparents and friends came to watch. They all cheered for us. This made us smile and want to run faster. Thanks for coming to watch us.

Thank you Sheryll for organising the race.

By Room 10

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Our Stories

We are good story writers. On Fridays we publish our best story for the week. Here are this week's stories.

I am going to my friend’s house. By Marcus

I am going on a big school bus to school. By Sam

I can make stuff with the blocks at home. By Theo

That’s me digging and that’s all the Easter eggs. By Charli

I like to see books. By Samuel

I am biking up a hill. By Willem

I am in my garden with my baby sister, Bo. By Tayte

I am going shopping with my family. By Ty

This is my Mum and Dad. By Katie

I am walking to school. By Nina

I am in space. By Ben

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Week 5

New children are joining Room 10 almost daily. By the end of this week we will have 13 children in the class.

This week we are learning the sounds 'h' and 'r' and the words 'go' and 'going'. We are also starting to become more independent with our story writing as we can write the sounds we know. We will publish more of our stories at the end of the week.

In maths we are learning how to play games such as Snakes and Ladders and Murtles 5 to help us with our adding up and number identification. We have been learning different ways to make 5.
We like using lots of different equipment when we are doing addition.

We are also learning ways to make friends and to be a good friend.