Friday, November 27, 2009

Week 7

Another week has flown by.

Our 'Stars of the Week' are: Willem, Samuel, and Theo. They are all fantastic readers and we are proud of them. Willem and Samuel have read for 125 nights and Theo has read for 100 nights. Well done and congratulations.

On Wednesday Sterling taught us about mouse rockets. We each made a paper mouse then we put a bit of play dough in the nose. We put the mouse on the top of a milk bottle then we hit both sides of the milk bottle and the mouse shot up in the air.
We also learnt about electricity. We made electric puzzles by making a circuit. The puzzles were of a helicopter, a racing car, a truck, a light, and a speaker. We had lots of fun and nine people got small electirc shocks.

We are learning the songs for our production. We are getting excited about perfoming in front of our families.

There are only two and a half weeks left of our first year at school. We have all worked very hard and our teacher is very proud of how hard we have worked and of how much we have learnt.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Week 6

We've had a busy and interesting week.
This week's 'Stars of the Week' are: Jonothan - for getting 100% in the Basic Facts test; and Samuel - for great reading. Congratulations Jonothan and Samuel, we are proud of you.

On Monday we all did a Basic Facts Test. Some of us found it hard but some of us found out that we know a lot of Basic Facts now.

On Wednesday we went to the museum for the 'Sounds Amazing' exhibition. We enjoyed making lots of different sounds. Thanks to the parents who came with us. Check out the slide show for a quick preview of what we did.

On Thursday Sterling taught us again. We learnt about the rainbow and made lots of bubbles. Sterling even made a square bubble. He had a special cube to make this bubble. In the afternoon we made ice-cream. Teresa said that she'd get the recipe for us.

On Friday we saw one scene from our production - Over the Rainbow. In the afternoon we listened to the Nelson College for Girls music class sing. They are very good.

Now we are ready for a relaxing weekend.

Parents: please read the production notice. We are having two performances: Tuesday 8 December and Wednesday 9 December. Both performances are at 2pm in the School of Music. If you have any questions, please come in and ask.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Returning Butterflies

Yesterday we walked to the museum to see the Returning Butterflies exhibition.
We learnt lots of interesting things. Read about the things we liked about the visit:

I liked learning about the butterflies and looking at their wings. Grace

I liked finding the butterflies. Ty

I liked trying to find and match the butterflies. Willem

It was fun because we were looking for butterflies. Katie

We learned about camouflage. Camouflage keeps the butterflies from predators. Ben

I liked looking for butterflies in the pictures. Theo

I liked watching the movie of the caterpillars eating. Jemma

I liked my Dad helping me find the butterflies. Jasper

I liked the finding the butterflies in the pictures. Aidan

The caterpillars of the red admiral butterfly likes stinging nettle. Sam

I liked liked learning about camouflage. Jonothan

I liked learning about the camouflage and why the butterflies need to be camouflaged. Samuel

I liked looking at the butterflies in the drawers. Matthew

I liked finding the butterflies outside. Charlotte

I liked learning about the camoflage. The butterflies use camoflage so the predators can't eat them. Jack

I liked looking for the butterflies hiding in the bushes in the pictures and matching them up. Quinn

We also liked making a butterfly badge each.

A BIG THANK YOU to our parents for coming with us and helping us.
Cindy gave us some swan plant seeds. We will plant them next week.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Stars of the Week

As always we celebrate our 'Stars of the Week' at Kowhai Syndicate assembly. This week our stars are:
Ty - for working hard at reading; Jasper - for being a great leader; and Katie - for learning the alphabet and lots of words.
Congratulations Ty, Jasper, and Katie, we are proud of you.

Did you read in the newsletter that Room 10 has the 'Blog of the Week'? We received a certificate for this, which is exciting for us.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Science Experiments

On Thursday Sterling taught in Room 10. We had a fantastic day learning about ice.
We put dry ice into a test tube of water and dye. It bubbled then gas puffed up and went over the top. Charlotte thought the gas looked like marshmallow. Willem and Aidan thought the gas looked like steam. Theo thought it looked like a volcano erupting. The dry ice turned into a gas when it touched the water because it was melting.

We are looking to forward to having Sterling come back and teach us.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Stream Trip

On Monday afternoon we went to the Brook Stream. We had a great time looking for bugs and other water life. There was a waterfall and the water was cold. No-one fell in, although there were a few wet feet.
We all enjoyed looking for the bugs and were excited by the number of different bugs we found. To catch the bugs we put a net by a rock then lifted the rock. If there were any bugs stuck to the rock we carefully brushed them into the container of water with a paint brush.
We found that the Brook Stream is quite healthy.
A big THANK YOU to all the wonderful parents who came with us and helped us find bugs. We hope you enjoyed the trip too.
Here is an acrostic poem we wrote about the stream trip:

Stream Trip

Terrific adults
Running water
Extra fast
Afternoon time
Marvellous fun